
Food and wine — what a great pairing! The right wine makes the food taste better and the right food brings out the best qualities of the wine.  Friends and colleagues have often encouraged me to do a blog on pairing food and wine, and, finally I have taken the plunge into the blogosphere. Several times each month I will post a pairing that my wife and I had recently, describe the elements ( sometimes the recipe) for the dinner (unless it is intuitively obvious), and provide information about the wine we had with that meal. I’ll try to include lots of different types of wine from places across the globe. It’s important to note that everyone has different tastes and the descriptions of the smells and tastes of the wine can vary greatly from person to person.

We invite you to dip into our combined experience, to follow along with us on our culinary adventures.

This blog will be published about once a week, usually on Friday. And, your comments are most welcome.

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